Conference will be IN PRESENCE with a possibility to attend talks remotely
    24 — 28 октября 2022


    The National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS, France) jointly with UWC (United World Colleges) in Dilijan organizes during October 24-28, 2022 an international workshop "Statistical mechanics and its applications". The main topics of the conference include 

    • Statistical mechanics of classical and quantum systems
    • Random matrices and disordered systems
    • Complex systems and networks
    • Interdisciplinary applications

    The list of agreed speakers:

    • Artem Alexandrov (MPTI, Russia)

    • Hrachya Babujian (Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory, Armenia)

    • Igor Burmistrov (Landau Institute, Russia)

    • Benjamin Doyon (King’s College London, UK)

    • Yan Fyodorov (King’s College London)

    • Alexander Gorsky (IITP, Russia)

    • Ilia Gruzberg (Ohio University, USA)

    • Ivan Khaymovich (Nordita, Sweden)

    • Satya Majumdar (LPTMS, France)

    • Baruch Meerson (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

    • Vladimir Kazakov (ENS, France)

    • Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Italy)

    • Sergei Nechaev (LPTMS, France)

    • Anatoly Polkovnikov (Boston University, USA)

    • Alexander Povolotsky (JINR, Russia)

    • Ara Sedrakian (Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory, Armenia)

    • Michael Tamm (Tallin University, Estonia)

    • Christophe Texier (LPTMS, France)

    • Anton Zabrodin (Skoltech, Russia)


    The total number of participants is limited by the capacity of the local infrastructure and is of order of 35. We encourage participation of young researchers and students.

    For additional information and applications please contact Sergei Nechaev (LPTMS, [email protected])

    Abstracts (117.2 КБ)
    Updated program (103.62 КБ)


    Program of the conference “Statistical Mechanics and Applications”,  24-28 October 2022 (Dilijan, Armenia)


    Location:      UWC Dilijan,

    Arrival:          Sunday, 23 October 2022

    Departure:    Saturday, 29 October 2022w



    Monday (24 October)

      9:50 – 10:00         Opening

    10:00 – 10:55                    Benjamin Doyon (Kings College London), The hydrodynamics of many-body integrable systems

    11:00 – 11:55                    Satya Majumdar (LPTMS, France), Nonintersecting Brownian Bridges in a flat to flat geometry

    12:00 – 12:30          Coffee break

    12:30 – 13:25                    Christophe Texier (LPTMS, France), The generalized Lyapunov exponent for random matrix products of SL(2,R)

    13:30 – 15:00         Lunch

    15:00 – 15:55                    Igor Burmistrov (Landau Institute, Russia), Phase diagram of two-dimensional flexible materials: Emergence of Nishimori-like line

    16:00 – 16:30         Coffee break

    16:30 – 17:25                    Hrachya Babujian (Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory, Armenia), Quantum nonequilibrium dynamics from Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations

    17:30 – 19:00                    Poster session and free discussion



    Tuesday (25 October)

    10:00 – 10:55                    Anatoly Polkovnikov (Boston University, USA), Defining chaos in Hamiltonian systems through adiabatic transformations

    11:00 – 11:55                    Ivan Khaymovich (Nordita, Sweden), Instability of delocalized  phases to Anderson localization in gain-loss non-Hermitian long-range disordered models

    12:00 – 12:30          Coffee break

    12:30 – 13:25                    Ilya Gruzberg (Ohio University, USA), Anderson transitions and (lost) conformal invariance

    13:30 – 15:00         Lunch

    15:00 – 15:55                    Michael Tamm (Tallinn University, Estonia), Steady state of TASEP with open boundary conditions is determined by the zero of the partition function of 1D lattice gas

    16:00 – 16:30         Coffee break

    16:30 – 17:25                    Alexander Gorsky (IITP, Russia), Dualities in many-body systems and their applications

    17:30 – 19:00                    Poster session and free discussion

    19:00 – 21:00         Dinner



    Wednesday (26 October)

    Please pay attention that the talk begins at 9:00 but not at 10:00 !

      9:00 – 9:55                      Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Italy), Spectral and eigenfunction response to variation of random Hamiltonians in the non-ergodic regimes

    10:00 – …               Excursion to the Sevan lake



    Thursday (27 October)

    10:00 – 10:55                    Anton Zabrodin (Skoltech, Russia), Logarithmic gas on a curved contour and Loewner energy     

    11:00 – 11:55                    Vladimir Kazakov (ENS, France), Flows in forests on planar graphs

    12:00 – 12:30          Coffee break

    12:30 – 13:25                    Yan Fyodorov (King’s College London, UK), Escaping the crowds: emergent outliers in rank-1 non-normal deformations of GUE/CUE

    13:30 – 15:00         Lunch

    15:00 – 15:55                    Ara Sedrakyan (Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory, Armenia), Three dimensional Ising model (3DIM) as a   non-critical string theory

    16:00 – 16:30         Coffee break

    16:30 – 17:25                    Sergei Nechaev (LPTMS, France), Devil’s staircase and modular invariance: from random operators to phyllotaxis and Hubbard model on a ring



    Friday (28 October)

    10:00 – 10:55                    Baruch Meerson (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Fluctuations of “Brownian bees” and of some other N-particle systems

    11:00 – 11:55                    Alexander Povolotsky (BLTP, JINR, Dubna and HRU HSE Russia), Boundary watermelons in the spanning forests  in quiet weather and in the wind

    12:00 – 12:30          Coffee break

    12:30 – 13:00                   Artem Alexandrov (MPTI, Russia), On phase transitions and information geometry in Kuramoto model

    13:00 – 13:10         Closing

    13:10 – 15:00         Lunch




    The registration for the conference "Statistical mechanics and its application" is closed. 

    The total number of participants is limited by 35 persons.

    The poster session is previewed. So, if you are interested to present a poster please indicate that (together with the title and the abstract) in your mail. 

    The conference will take place at UWC Dilijan